Where Did All The Money Go?
Chapter 4: Going Into Debt
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Figure 4.1
shows a breakdown of the public and private domestic debt in the United
States from 1945 through 2013, both in absolute dollars and as a percent of

Federal Reserve (L1),
Bureau of Economic Analysis (1.1.5).
As is shown in this figure, Total Debt increased from less than $500
billion in 1950 to $59 trillion by 2013 and, in the process, increased from
142% to 351% of GDP. It can also be seen that Federal Debt
decreased rather consistently relative to GDP through the mid 1970s, and
even though
Federal Debt increased considerably after 1980 (from $735 billion
and 26% of GDP in 1980 to $12.3 trillion and 74% of GDP by 2013) Federal
Debt played a relatively minor role in the increase in the total. The
major source of the increase in total debt following 1980 was in the
non-federal sector of the economy.
The pattern of Non-Federal Debt increases displayed in Figure 4.1
is particularly telling. This debt increased from $1.3 trillion in 1970 to
$47.2 trillion in 2008 and, in the process, increased from 121% of GDP to
321%. This increase was gradual until 1981 and then went from $4.4 trillion
and 138% of GDP to $11.3 trillion and 189% in just 9 years. It dipped
slightly relative to GDP in 1992 then increase dramatically over the next 14
It is no accident that the dramatic jump in Non-Federal Debt from
1983 through 1990 followed on the heels of the
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980
Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982.
As was noted in Chapter 1, it was the
deregulatory provisions in these two acts that led to
junk bond and
commercial real estate bubbles in the 1980s
and the first major financial crisis in the United States since the
Crash of 1929. It is also no accident that the
explosion of debt came to an end in 1990 on the heels of the
Savings and Loan Crisis or that Non-Federal
Debt began to rise again in the mid 1990s.
Savings and Loan Crisis marked a minor setback
in the movement to deregulate the financial sector. Congress passed seven
major pieces of legislation to reregulate the financial sector in response
to this crisis. The first was the
Competitive Equality Banking Act in 1987 to
recapitalize the
Federal Savings and
Loan Insurance Corporation
(FSLIC) which was bankrupted by the crisis, and to strengthen the
supervision in the savings and loan industry. Two years later Congress
passed the
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
which transferred savings and loan deposit insurance from the failed
FSLIC to the
FDIC, reorganized and further strengthened the
supervisory structure of the savings and loan industry, and created and
funded the
Resolution Trust Corporation to deal with the
savings and loan institutions that had failed. (FDIC)
Next came the
Comprehensive Thrift and Bank Fraud Prosecution and Taxpayer Recovery Act
of 1990 to deal with the abusive practices of the new breed of savings and
loan owners/managers, and in 1991 the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) was passed. This act greatly increased the powers of the
FDIC, put forth new capital requirements for
depository institutions, created new regulatory and supervisory examination
standards, and established
prompt corrective action standards that
ostensibly took away some of the discretion of regulators when it came to
dealing with insolvent institutions.
Finally, Congress passed the
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of
1994 which dealt with abuses in the home mortgage market and gave the
Federal Reserve the power to regulate this market.
These acts, combined with the enhanced vigilance on the part of regulators
brought on by the
Savings and Loan Crisis, put an end to the
explosion of domestic debt that accompanied the financial deregulation of
the early 1980s. Unfortunately, this setback to the deregulatory movement
was only temporary. As the Savings and Loan Crisis unfolded, the general
public failed to appreciate the seriousness of the situation since the
consequences of the crisis seemed to be relatively minor. There was a minor
recession in 1990 that lasted into 1991, and the crisis
cost the taxpayers some $130 billion, but
there was no sense of panic at the near meltdown of the financial system.
Federal deposit insurance prevented a run on the system, and the lives of
relatively few people were seriously disrupted. At the same time, as was
noted in Chapter 1, a relatively large number of people made personal
fortunes out of this crisis. Since there was very little public outcry, very
few lessons were learned, and there were no political consequences for those
who brought this crisis about.
Its mantra of lower taxes, less government, and deregulation carried the
Republican Party to victory in the 1988 presidential election in spite of
the savings and loan debacle, and the successes of the Republican Party
throughout the 1980s had a profound effect on the leadership of the
Democratic Party. A significant number of Democrats who opposed the
free-market economic policies advocated by the Republicans either retired or
were defeated at the polls. As a result, many Democrats began to embrace
these policies—either out of conviction or to enhance their political
survival. As the electorate shifted to the right on economic issues, the
Democratic Party shifted to the right on these issues as well,
and by the time of the 1992 election, opposition to financial deregulation
was muted. (Cowie)
Bill Clinton held himself out as a "New
Democrat" who embraced "values that were both
liberal and conservative." He promised to reinvent "government, away from
the top-down bureaucracy of the industrial era, to a leaner, more flexible,
more innovative model appropriate for the modern global economy." (DLC)
When he became president he invited a number of ideologically minded
economists to join his administration, three of whom came to the fore:
Alan Greenspan,
Robert Rubin, and
Lawrence Summers. (Turgeon)
Alan Greenspan was appointed by
Reagan to chair the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and
was reappointed to this position twice by Clinton. Robert Rubin was
co-chairman of
Goldman Sachs before Clinton selected him to
chair the
National Economic Council and then appointed him to replace
Lloyd Benson as
Secretary of Treasury.
Lawrence Summers worked as an economist in the
Reagan White House before he joined the Clinton administration, first as
Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs
and then as a replacement for Rubin as
Secretary of Treasury. This is the triumvirate
that dominated economic policy deliberations in the Clinton
administration—the group Time Magazine dubbed “The
Committee to Save the World.” (Ramo
There was little hope for financial regulation from this group. While the
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act was
passed in 1994, its provisions giving the Federal Reserve responsibility for
regulating the mortgage market were ignored by Greenspan, and the
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act
was passed that same year allowing interstate banking throughout the United
States. Passage of this bill was particularly ominous in light of the fact
that the
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and
Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914—enacted to
protect the public from anticompetitive practices on the part of
businesses—had been virtually ignored since the
Reagan Revolution began in 1980.
The spirit of deregulation got a further boost from the 1994 election. When
the dust settled from that election Republicans had control of both the
House and the Senate for the first time since 1954, and it was clear that
the movement to reregulate the financial system was dead. A seemingly
blind, ideological faith in Free-Market
Capitalism and deregulation became the tenor of the times. The extent to
which this was so was made clear by Clinton in his
1996 State of the Union Address when he
announced to the world that "the era of big government is over" and took
pride in the fact that his administration had eliminated "16,000 pages of
unnecessary rules and regulations."
On November 4, 1999, Congress passed the
Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA)
which was signed into law by President Clinton on November 12. As has been
noted, this act repealed those provisions in the
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that prevented
commercial bank holding companies from becoming conglomerates that are able
to provide both
commercial and
investment banking services as well as
insurance and brokerage services. Congress then passed the
Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA) on
December 14, 2000 which Clinton signed into law on December 21. This act
explicitly prevented both the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission and state
gambling regulators from regulating the
derivatives markets.
While the laws passed in the late 1980s and early 1990s led to stronger
regulation of depository institutions, such as commercial and savings banks
and savings and loans, by the mid 1990s the antiregulatory atmosphere in
Washington made the enforcement of the new laws problematic, and, as we will
see in Chapter 8, passage of the
FSMA and
CFMA in 1999 and 2000 gave a free hand to
investment banks,
bank holding companies,
hedge funds, and
special purpose vehicles in the markets for
repurchase agreements and
financial derivatives.
The story of this era is reflected in Figure 4.1 which shows 1) the
dramatic increase in Non-Federal debt as a percent of GDP following
the deregulation of depository institutions and lax supervision on the part
of regulators in the early 1980s, 2) the leveling off and slight fall in
this debt as a percent of GDP in response to the reregulation of depository
institutions and greater vigilance on the part of regulators in the late
1980s and early1990s, 3) the beginning of the increase in this debt in the
mid 1990s as the regulatory attitude in Washington changed, and 4) the
continuing increase in this debt ratio from 2000 through 2008 following the
passage of
FSMA and
This same story is told in Figure 4.2 which shows the expansion of
debt on the part of financial institutions over this same period.

Federal Reserve (L1),
Bureau of Economic Analysis (1.1.5).
Figure 4.3
shows what happened in the mortgage markets following the deregulation
of the financial system in the 1980s.

Federal Reserve (L.217),
Bureau of Economic Analysis (1.1.5).
The increase in Non-Home Mortgages as a percent of GDP fueled by the
speculative bubble in the commercial real-estate markets of the 1980s can be
seen in this figure, as can the fall in this market following the bursting
of this bubble. The increase in Non-Home Mortgages that accompanied
the speculative bubble in the housing market during the early to mid 2000s
can also be seen in this figure, as is the collapse of this market following
the Crash of 2008.
Figure 4.3
also shows the dramatic increase in Home Mortgages as a percent of
GDP that took place during the
commercial real-estate bubble in the 1980s and
the huge increase that fueled the
housing bubble in the 2000s along with the
collapse of this market following 2007.
It should not be surprising that the behavior of debt within society is
related to the degree of regulation in the financial system. Creating debt
is what financial institutions do! They provide the mechanisms by which
borrowing and lending take place within the economic system. In the process
they provide other services such as
insurance, a
safe and convenient place to keep money,
pension plans, and
brokerage and
underwriting services. They also deal in
equities, that is,
stocks as opposed to
mortgages, and other types of
debt instruments. They underwrite the sale of
newly issued equities and broker the purchase and sale of previously issued
equities. They may also invest in equities, but the main business of finance
is debt, not equities. Debt is where the money is. Without debt, there would
be no financial system as we know it.
The primary mechanism by which financial institutions create debt is through
the process of
intermediation which means they intermediate
between the ultimate borrowers and lenders in society. They take in money
from the individuals and businesses that are the ultimate lenders in society
and lend the money to individuals and businesses that are the ultimate
borrowers. Banks take in money from their depositors (the ultimate lenders)
and relend the money in the markets for consumer and business loans (the
ultimate borrowers). Insurance companies take in money from their policy
holders (the ultimate lenders) and relend the money in the mortgage and bond
markets (the ultimate borrowers). Pension funds take in money from employees
(the ultimate lenders) and lend the money in the mortgage and bond markets
as well (the ultimate borrowers).
In addition, financial institutions (primarily banks but, as we will see in
Chapter 7, shadow banks as well) have the power to create debt out of thin
air as a portion of the money they lend is lent back to them to be relent
The process of financial intermediation is an essential part of the economic
system, and without it the economic system cannot function, but unless this
process is strictly regulated and supervised by the government, it is highly
unstable. The reason for this is obvious: Financial institutions lend
other peoples’ money. They take money from one group of people and lend
it to another group of people as they take a cut in the process. Not only
does this provide innumerable opportunities for fraud to flourish on a grand
scale, there are powerful forces within society that drive the system of
financial intermediation to fund
speculative bubbles that increase debt beyond
any possibility of repayment. The reason for this is also obvious: The
more money financial institutions are able to lend, the greater their cut,
and the more money they are able to make. In addition, those in the
financial system who handle other peoples’ money have access to information
that provides opportunities to profit from
speculative bubbles in ways that are not
available to those outside the system. (Stewart
The simple fact is this: huge fortunes can be made by those who are able
to take advantage of speculative bubbles. This was pointed out in
Chapter 1 with regard to 1) the increase in the income share of the top 1%
of the income distribution associated with the various speculative bubbles
we have experienced since the 1920s, 2) the increase in the amount of income
received in the form of capital gains as a percent of total income
associated with these bubbles, and 3) the $700 billion dollars in additional
profits from 2001 through 2007 that financial institutions received as a
result of the
housing bubble. It is no mystery why
speculative bubbles persist in the face of
such massive gains by those who are able to take advantage of these bubbles.
The problem is, of course, that when those in charge of our financial
institutions are allowed to finance speculative bubbles and increase debt
beyond any possibility of repayment, they do not place only their own money
and economic wellbeing at risk. They place other peoples' money and economic
wellbeing at risk as well, and they threaten to bring down the entire
economic system.
There are a host of
powerful arguments, based on seemingly sound
economic theory and irrefutable logic, put forth by those who favor
deregulating markets to explain why unregulated financial markets lead to
economic efficiency, growth, and prosperity, and why government regulation
is the source of all problems, (Fox
Dowd) but we are not talking about theory or
logic here. We are talking about cold hard historical fact that goes far
beyond what happened in the
Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s, the
dotcom and
telecom bubbles of the 1990s, and the
housing bubble and
Sub-Prime mortgage fraud of the early 2000s.
We are talking about the economic catastrophes brought on by the financial
crises in
1893, and
1907, and we are talking about the last time
this happened in the United States—1929.
The Crash of 1929 brought an end to the
roaring twenties with a vengeance, and the
experience of the
Great Depression that followed had a profound
effect on the American psyche for the next fifty years. The story of the
2000s is very much the story of the 1920s—namely, extreme excess on the part
of an unregulated financial system—and it is worth re-examining that story
within the context of what we have experienced over the past forty years.
The 1920s began with a rather steep recession in
1920-1921 followed by a
speculative bubble in the real-estate market.
The real-estate bubble burst in 1926 and was superseded by a speculative
bubble in the stock market. There was a mild economic downturn in
1927, a brief recovery that same year, and
another mild downturn in the summer of
1929. Then the stock market bubble came to a
dramatic climax in the fall of 1929. (Galbraith
Crash of 1929
began on October 24—a day that became known as
Black Thursday—when
the stock market dropped dramatically in the morning and recovered somewhat
in the afternoon. While prices rallied on Friday, there were two more black
days to come. When trading resumed after the weekend, the Dow fell by
13% on
Black Monday
and it fell an additional
12% the
next day which became known as
Black Tuesday.
There were rallies that followed, but, overall, the stock market lost
80% of its
value from its high in 1929 to its low in 1932 and the Dow fell by almost
As stock prices fell in the fall of 1929 the mild recession that had begun
in the summer became severe, and a banking crisis began in the fall of 1930.
From 1929 through 1933 the economy experienced a major
deflation as consumer prices fell by
25% and wholesale prices by
30%. In the meantime,
12.8 million people found themselves
unemployed as output fell by over
30%, GDP fell by
46% , and the rate of unemployment jumped from
3.2% to
24.9% of the labor force. The banking crisis
reached its climax in 1933 when over
4,000 banks and savings institutions went
under in that year alone. By the time the crisis came to an end over
10,000 banks and savings institutions had gone
out of business along with some
129,000 other businesses, and we were in the
depths of the
Great Depression. And just as happened in
2008, the financial crisis that started in the United States
spread throughout the rest of the world.
The depression lasted more than ten years. There were still
8.1 million people unemployed in 1940, and the
unemployment rate did not fall below
14% until 1941. It wasn't until 1943—when the
economy was fully mobilized for World War II—that the unemployment rate
finally fell below its 1929 level, and by then the United States had
increased the size of its military by over
8.5 million soldiers. In other words, we did
not completely solve the unemployment problem created by the
Great Depression until we were fully mobilized
for World War II and had drafted a number of people into the military
comparable to the number who were unemployed in 1940.
What Went Wrong
It was clear to most people at the time that the cause of the problem was
rampant speculation in the stock market financed by expanding debt. In fact,
the debt created by the financial system during the 1920s had grown to
unreasonable levels in all areas, not just in the stock market. This debt
was unsustainable, and the stock market crash was just the trigger that set
in motion a set of forces that, in the face of this debt, brought down the
entire economic system. (Fisher
When the stock market crashed, the value of stocks that provided the
collateral for speculative loans fell. This led to a panic in the financial
sector as financial institutions tried to cut their losses by recalling
existing loans and refusing to make new loans. When the banking crisis began
in 1930 the financial system simply froze, and credit became unavailable.
This forced debtors whose loans were
called or who could not refinance their loans
when they came due to sell the collateral underlying their debts as well as
other assets in order to meet their financial obligations. These forced
sales of collateral and other assets, in turn, caused asset prices to fall
throughout the financial system, and debtors began to default as the value
of their assets fell below the value of the loans they had to repay. (Fisher)
As the panic grew, the rise in uncertainty and the heightened sense of fear
and pessimism toward the future exacerbated the situation. The demand for
such things as new homes, automobiles, and other durable goods fell as
households became reluctant to commit to such purchases or, for lack of
credit, were unable to do so. (Mian)
At the same time, businesses that were unable to finance their inventories
and payrolls as the demand for their output fell were forced to cut back
their operations and layoffs began. As output, employment, and household
expenditures fell, income fell as well. The result was a vicious spiral
downward as falling output and employment led to falling income and
expenditures which, in turn, led to falling output and employment. (Keynes)
All of this should sound familiar, given our experience during the recent
crisis, since this is exactly the kind of thing that happened in the
mortgage market following the bursting of the housing bubble in 2007 and the
financial system grinding to a halt in September of 2008. Debt had grown to
unsustainable levels by 2007, and when the housing market crashed, the value
of the real estate that provided the collateral for real-estate loans began
to fall. This led to a panic in the financial sector as financial
institutions tried to cut their losses by recalling existing loans and
refusing to make new loans. When the crisis reached its climax in 2008, the
financial system simply froze, credit became unavailable, and the same kind
of vicious downward spiral in output and employment occurred that had
occurred following the Crash of 1929 with falling output and employment
leading to falling income and expenditures which, in turn, led to falling
output and employment.
Mian) There was, however, one important
Following the stock market crash in 1929, the lack of federal deposit
insurance led to the banking crisis in the fall of 1930 as people began
taking money out of the banks in an attempt to protect their savings by
hoarding cash. This, in turn, caused the money supply to fall by
25% from 1929 to 1933 which, combined with the
fall in output and employment, caused wages and prices to fall as well. The
resulting deflation caused the debt that had been accumulated during the
1920s to become an overwhelming burden since this debt now had to be repaid
in the face of falling wages, prices, and incomes. As wages and prices fell
more rapidly than the debt could be liquidated the real burden of the debt
began to increase even as the total debt fell. (Fisher
In short, because of the unsustainable level of debt that had accumulated
during the 1920s and the inability and unwillingness of the Federal Reserve
to act, as debtors found themselves unable to meet their contractual
obligations the contract system within the financial system began to break
down; widespread bankruptcy followed, and the financial system simply
imploded. It was the implosion of the financial system—brought on by an
unsustainable level of debt combined with falling output, income, money
supply, wages, and prices—that brought down the rest of the economy and
created the
Great Depression of the 1930s. (Fisher
Kennedy) So far at least, we have been able to
avoid this kind of implosion of the financial system accompanied by a
downward spiral of wages and prices during the current crisis.
The vast majority of political leaders, and
most renowned economists,
entered the 1930s with an unbridled faith in the nineteenth century ideology
Free-Market Capitalism.
They were convinced that markets were self correcting; attempts at
government intervention would do more harm than good, and that if the
economy was just left to its own devices competition in free markets would
allow wages and prices to adjust to bring the economic system back to full
employment. (Stiglitz)
Many even believed the economic system would be made better by the
experience of a depression in that depressions weeded out economically
inefficient firms and, thereby, made the economy more productive. (Kennedy)
This attitude was personified in the infamous advice of President Hoover's
Treasury Secretary, Andrew Mellon, to
. . . liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate
farmers, liquidate real estate . . . it will purge the rottenness out of the
system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will
work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and
enterprising people will pick up from less competent people. (CP)
The experience of the 1930s
provided a shocking dose of reality.
With total output falling by
30%, the unemployment rate increasing to
25%, tens of thousands of business going
bankrupt, and human misery increasing at an accelerating rate it was
impossible for economists to explain just how the economic system was
supposed to be made better by all of this or why the government should not
be allowed to intervene to do something about it. There had to be something
wrong with an ideological theory that proclaimed it was a good thing for
society to be going through what it was going through at the time. The only
explanation the theory could offer for the dismal unemployment statistics
was that wages were not falling fast enough to bring the system back to full
employment. But by 1933 wages had already fallen by
22% in manufacturing,
26% in mining, and
53% in agriculture. There was obviously
something wrong with the theory, and all but those with the blindest
ideological faith in the miraculous powers of free markets could see that
there was something wrong with the theory.
The Crash of 1929 was not the first financial crisis brought on by rampant
speculation and reckless behavior in our financial system. As was noted
above, there were
crises in
1893, and
1907 that led up to
1929, and the economic fallout from each
seemed to be worse than the one that came before. The
Great Depression that followed the Crash of
1929 was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and, in response, our
political leaders of the 1930s through the 1960s abandoned the
failed nineteenth century ideology of
Free-Market Capitalism in favor of a pragmatic regime of regulated-market
capitalism. As we will see in Chapter 6, this led to the creation of an
elaborate system of regulatory and supervisory institutions designed to keep
our financial institutions in check. It also led to the elaborate system of
government sponsored social-insurance programs we have today—Social
unemployment compensation,
Supplemental Security Income,
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and
food and
housing assistance programs—programs that were
designed to alleviate the sufferings caused by the vagaries endemic in our
economic system. These systems actually worked for some fifty years to
accomplish their ends, and, in the case of our social-insurance programs,
are still working today.
Unfortunately, as new generations replaced old and memories of the 1920s and
Great Depression faded an antigovernment
movement began to take hold in the 1970s, and the
failed nineteenth century ideology of
Free-Market Capitalism became fashionable among our economic and political
leaders again. (Frank)
As a result, the regulatory and supervisory system that served us so well
since the 1930s was systematically dismantled to the point that it was
virtually gutted by the early 2000s. This made it possible for our financial
institutions to repeat
the folly of the 1920s and drive our nation
into another worldwide economic catastrophe, just as these institutions had
done in the 1920s.
The history of unregulated finance in the United States, and, indeed,
throughout the world, has been one financial crisis and economic catastrophe
after another. (Kindleberger
1907) Given this history, it should be obvious
that an unregulated financial system is inherently unstable. Unfortunately,
there seem to be a great many policy makers and, indeed, a number of
prominent economists who have failed to understand this simple historical
fact. (Fox
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at Amazon.com for a nominal contribution to this website.

Where Did All The Money Go?
How Lower Taxes, Less Government, and Deregulation Redistribute Income and
Create Economic Instability
