On Taxing Corporations
George H. Blackford (7/30/2013)

In considering the latest squabble over Obama's latest
proposal to reform the corporate tax code it is worth keeping in mind a few
basic facts.
When it comes to the need to increase taxes on
corporations, it is worth emphasizing that corporations benefit from and
consume government services to a much greater extent than other businesses.
Corporations depend crucially on our legal and law enforcement systems to
protect their property rights and to settle disputes among corporations and
between corporations and their customers, employees, and the government.
Corporations benefit substantially from the government’s
providing and enforcing copyright and patent protections and from the limited
liability protection provided by the government. Corporations also benefit
substantially from our public transportation systems and from the educated
workforce our public education systems provide. And a major reason our defense
budget is so large is to protect the foreign interests of American
corporations throughout the world. There are reasons why international
corporations locate in countries whose governments provide highly developed
legal, law enforcement, transportation, public education, and national defense
systems. Why should corporations be given a free ride as ordinary people and
other forms of business organization are taxed to pay for the government
services corporations disproportionately consume and from which corporations
derive such economic benefits?
Those who wish to eliminate the corporate profits tax
argue this tax is somehow unfair because it taxes income twice—once when it is
earned by the corporation and a second time when it is received by
stockholders in the form of dividends. This is a fallacious argument. To begin
with, not all profits are paid out in dividends. More to the point, however,
is the fact that all taxes come out of profits, not just a tax on profits.
A corporation subject to a 50% corporate profit tax on a
$10 million before tax profit generated from $100 million in sales would have
the same after tax profit as a corporation in the same situation that paid no
corporate profit tax but, instead, paid a 5% sales tax, a $5 million property
tax, or a $5 million dollar tax of any other kind. In any of these situations
the corporation would have the same $5 million after tax profit. Why does it
make sense to consider a corporate profit tax to be a double taxation of
income in this situation but not an alternative tax? There is, of course, a
semantic difference here but not a real difference.
The bottom line is that the same after tax profit is
received by the corporation and stockholders irrespective of the kind of tax
paid. A corporate profits tax is a cost of doing business, just like any other
tax, and the notion that it somehow unfair because it leads to a double
taxation of income and other taxes do not is nonsense.
The corporate profits tax is actually a less onerous tax
than most since it is paid only when there is a profit. It is not paid during
hard times when there are no profits and funds are scarce, or by owners of
startup companies that have to make investments before they can make a profit
and are forced to take losses as they build their businesses. Alternative
taxes must be paid during hard times and by startup companies whether there
are profits or not. As a result, the corporate profits tax is a much more
business friendly tax than other taxes since it makes it easier for existing
corporations to survive during hard times and for investors to start new
corporations. In this sense, a corporate profits a tax is much fairer than
other taxes.
It is argued that since other countries have lower
corporate taxes, if we don’t cut our taxes corporations will relocate to
countries with lower taxes and we will lose jobs, but this is only a problem
because we allow corporations that locate in countries that serve as tax
havens free access to American courts and markets. Corporations that locate in
tax havens should be forced to pay a compensating tax to the American
government in order to access our courts and markets. Not only would such a
tax save jobs by preventing corporations from relocating, it would force
corporations to pay their fair share for the government services they demand
and on which their very existence depends. It would also help to make it
possible to rebuild and maintain the public infrastructure and social capital
provided by the government that is essential to obtaining and maintaining
economic prosperity. What's more, failing to tax corporations has
ominous implications for the future.
For the past sixty years, American corporations have
been able to minimize their contribution toward paying for the government
services they consume within the United States by migrating or threatening to
migrate from high tax states to low tax states as they play one state off
against another to obtain lower taxes. This has led to short-term economic
benefits to corporations and to low-tax states as people in the high-tax
states that provide better public services follow the jobs created by
corporations in the low-tax states that provide inferior public services,
especially education. It has also shifted the burden of paying for government
services, especially education, away from those who benefit from these
services the most—people in the low-tax states to which the corporations and
the people who are educated in the high-tax states migrate—on to the backs of
those who benefit from them the least—the people in the high-tax states who
are unable to migrate and who are loosing their tax base to the low-tax
The long-term nature of this effect has been
particularly dramatic in the area of education where the private cost of
higher education has increased to the point where student debt today is larger
than either credit card or automobile debt. In 1970 the United States led the
world in the percent of young adults with a college degree. By 2011 we had
fallen to 16th place. Instead of educating our own to meet the needs of
corporate America, as corporate taxes fell and American educational standards
lagged behind, American corporations have begun to rely on foreigners to fill
their ranks in those jobs that require higher education—especially in math,
the sciences, and engineering—and an ever increasing number of positions at
our colleges and universities are being filled by foreign students. If this
trend is allowed to continue to its logical conclusion we will evolve into a
society in which only the children of the wealthy are able to afford a quality
education, and the quality and productivity of our labor force will fall.
Forcing countries to compete for corporate favors by
lowering taxes is no different than forcing states to compete in this way, and
there is no reason to expect the results to be different if this drama is
allowed to play itself out on the world stage than they have been as it has
played itself out on the national stage within the United States over the past
sixty years. There will be economic benefits to corporations and low tax
countries in the short run, but, in the long run, government services will
deteriorate throughout the world, and, in the end, there will be a loss in
economic and social wellbeing for the vast majority of the world’s population.
What’s more, we can expect the losses to be greatest in those countries, such
as the United States, that have the most to lose.