For the past forty years the
Conservative Movement
has incessantly attacked
the American government as if the solution to all of our problems is to be
found in lowering taxes, cutting government expenditures, and in getting rid of
government regulations.
Few people seem to
realize that this movement is attacking
the same government that created the
Social Security System to provide
old age and disability insurance;
to provide health insurance for the aged and the indigent; the
Veterans Administration to serve our veterans;
compensation to
soften the blow of unemployment for the unemployed; the
Food and
Drug Administration to protect us from tainted food and worthless or dangerous
drugs; the Security Exchange Commission to fight fraud in the financial sector
of our economy; the
Federal Reserve System to control the money supply and provide for
economic stability; the Consumer Protection Agency to protect us from
dangerous consumer products; the Environmental Protection Agency to prevent the
poisoning of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the very ground on
which we live; the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
to provide for a safer workplace; the
National Institute of Health to
promote health research; the Centers for
Communicable Desease and
public health departments that fight the spread of communicable diseases;
the National Science Foundation that
promotes basic scientific research; and countless other institutions and
regulatory agencies that promote the general Welfare, as is called for in the
It is also the same government that created the
transcontinental railroad and
interstate highway systems along with all of our state highways, county roads,
and city streets; the military that provides for our national defense; the
police and judicial systems which set the rules and provide for law and order within society;
our firefighters who fight our fires; our national, state, and local park systems; and our land-grant college system and other public
college, university, secondary, and elementary school systems devoted to the
concept of universal education that has proved to be the backbone of economic
and social development within our society for the past 150 years. And
this is the same government that won
World War II and the
Cold War and that
has fueled the most powerful economic engine in the world.
These are all the
products of our government, and it is this government conservatives have been
attacking for the past forty years—the government of the United States of
America as created by the
of the United States of America.
Contrary to what free-market ideologues would have you believe, there are
reasons why we have government regulations.
In the real world, government
regulation is essential to the efficient and safe functioning of markets.
We regulate the markets for food and drugs and other consumer goods because
without regulation it is inevitable that dangerous foods and drugs and consumer
goods that have the potential to cause great harm to innocent people will be
fraudulently or negligently foisted on an unsuspecting public.
We regulate
markets to control pollution because without regulation it is inevitable that
our air and water, rivers and streams, fish and fowl, and even the very Earth on
which we live will become contaminated and poisonous to human beings.
regulate the work environment because without regulation it is inevitable that
the forces of competition and the drive for profit will lead to increasingly
dangerous and harmful work environments with sixteen to eighteen hour days and
eight and ten year old children working in coal mines.
we regulate
financial markets not only because without regulation it is inevitable that
greed and the lust for profit will lead to fraudulent, reckless, irresponsible,
and foolish behavior on the part of those in charge of our financial
institutions that will cause a great deal of harm, not only to the individual victims who are
directly affected by this kind of behavior, but because throughout history, time and time again, we find that
this kind of fraudulent, reckless, irresponsible, and foolish behavior has led
to economic catastrophes that have brought the entire economic system to its
knees—catastrophes that have
led to an
unconscionable amount of hardship, misery, and suffering on the part of
innumerable individuals who
had nothing to do with the nefarious behavior that brought on these
It is the presence of government regulation that moderates the forces within a
capitalist system that, if left unchecked, would lead to injury and harm to a
great number of innocent people, and it is the height of foolishness to think that somehow
life would be better for the vast majority of the population if we did away
with government regulation. The
fact is, that in the absence of a powerful force to intervene in free markets
to constrain them to serve humane ends, Capitalism promises to become a
cancerous growth on humanity that
will devour the very planet on which we live. The only force
available to intervene in in this way is a democratic government, and it is
clear from the history of Capitalism—or
at least it should be clear—that
we deny this reality at our
We have been cutting back on government programs for forty years
now, and it hasn't exactly worked out for the best as we continue to struggle
with the end result of these cutbacks, namely, the worst economic crisis since the Great
Depression and a governmental system that can barely function today.
The free-market ideologues that
inspire the
Conservative Movement have a very
simplistic view of reality based on their concept of liberty and freedom. It
is their belief that individuals should be allowed the freedom to fend for
themselves in free and unfettered markets to provide for their own economic
well being without government interference or guarantees. It is the free
choices of individuals in free markets that create prosperity and wealth in
society, in their view, and individuals owe nothing to society save to honor
the contracts they freely enter into. And they definitely do not believe
in government mandated social insurance. Government mandated social insurance interferes
with the liberty and freedom of those, such as themselves, who do not wish
participate in or pay for these programs. They simply do not believe
that it is the purpose of government to promote the general Welfare, other than
to provide for national defense and to protect property rights. (Friedman)
The leadership of the
Conservative Movement
also believes that
if government will just get out of the way, the free choices of individuals in
free and unfettered markets will optimize human well being within society
through the discipline of the marketplace. Those who work hard and are
productive will be rewarded by the marketplace through higher incomes and
their ability to accumulate wealth in proportion to their contribution to
society. Those who do not work hard, are not productive, and do not
contribute substantially to society will not be so rewarded. (TP)
To the extent government interferes with this market
discipline, people no longer have an incentive to work hard, productivity
falters, output falls, and we are all made worse off. In this view, the
distribution of income and wealth so determined by free and unregulated
markets is fair and just, and anything the government attempts to do beyond
national defense and enforcing property rights is unfair and unjust and does
more harm than good as it destroys market discipline and causes
productivity and output to fall.
The arguments explaining this view of reality are put forth
with elegance and logical infallibility in such works as
Ayn Rand's
,The Fountainhead and
Atlas Shrugged,
Friedrich von Hayek's,
The Road to Serfdom,
Milton Friedman's,
Capitalism and Freedom and
Free to Choose,
Ludwig von
Human Action, and the
American Conservative Union’s,
Statement of Principles,
works that have inspired conservatives to ever higher levels of passion over
the past sixty years as well as having provided the backbone of their
In addition, the academic discipline
of economics has provided a logically consistent and mathematically elegant
model of market behavior that describes how this ideal system of human
interaction in markets is supposed to work as well as the prerequisites for
the existence for such a system to actually work. (Kuttner
It should not be surprising that the
logically infallible works listed above combined with the heroic efforts of academic economists to
explain how free markets are supposed to work have provided the intellectual foundation for
an ideological view of society that is totally out of touch with reality.
After all, you can prove anything with logic! All you have to do is
start with a false premise, and the logically infallible works listed above
are filled with false premises, beginning with the fact that the literature that provides the passion for
this ideological view is based on a straw-man caricature of tyrannical
government that completely ignores all of the essential functions that
government performs in our daily lives and without which civilized society is
impossible—the kinds of functions so beautifully explained by
Douglas Amy in his website,
governmentisgood. com.
By the same token, the academic model that
explains how, and under what circumstances such an economy is supposed to work
not only completely ignores the role of government in our economic and social
lives, but the assumptions on which the logical consistency of this model
depends—the most important
being that no economic actor has the power to directly
market prices, all market participants have
information as to the determination of market prices, that there are
no external costs
or benefits associated with the production or consumption of goods, and
people behave rationally—are
impossible to achieve in the real world.
Income in the Real World
free-market ideologues who dominate the Conservative Movement tell us that lower
taxes, less government, and deregulated free markets will solve all of our
economic problems and make everyone better off.
Yet, when we look at the era at the beginning of the twentieth century in Figure 1 when
taxes were low, government was small, and regulation was virtually nonexistent—a
state of nature that conservative ideologues hold as ideal—we
find that there was no increase at all in average real income
of the bottom 90% of the income distribution. The
real incomes of the bottom 90% didn't begin to increase during the twentieth
centaury until 1933 at the beginning of the
New Deal,
that is, until the era of higher taxes, more government, and more regulation of
the economic system ushered in by the New Deal began.
Figure 1: Average Real Income of the Bottom 90% of the
Income Distribution, 1917-2012.

The World Top
Incomes Database.
What's more, when we look at the 40 year period that followed the beginning of
the New Deal we find that the average real income of the bottom 90% (excluding
capital gains)
increase fivefold as it went from $6,940 (measured in 2012 prices) in 1933 to
$34,956 in 1973.
We also find that during the 39
year period of lower taxes, less government, and deregulation that followed
1973 there was a repeat of the period that
preceded 1933—no
increase in the average real income of the bottom 90%. From 1974 through
2012, the average real income of the bottom 90% exceeded the high it had
achieved in 1973 for only a brief, two-year period in 1999 and 2000, and by
2012 it had fallen back to $30,439,
which was below the $31,205 level the
bottom 90% had achieved in 1967.
In light of this history, the conservative's notion that
lower taxes, less
government, and deregulation lead to prosperity for all is clearly absurd.
It is obvious to all but free-market ideologues that the
incomes people receive, and the wealth people are able to accumulate as they
participate in an unregulated market economy, do not necessarily correspond to how hard
they work or how productive they are or by how much they contribute to the
society as a whole. It is also obvious that the accomplishments of
individuals are not achieved by their own efforts alone, but are crucially
dependent of the social system in which they live that makes their individual
accomplishments possible.
No one can deny that the fortunes accumulated by
Bill Gates,
Paul Allen,
Steve Jobs,
Steve Wozniak,
Robert Noyce,
Gordon Moore,
Andrew Grove, and countless others who
have made immeasurable contributions to the micro computer revolution over the
past forty years are comparable to their immeasurable contributions to the
well being of the society as a whole and are well deserved on that account
alone. They are living examples of everything the mythical world of
unregulated, free-market capitalism is supposed to be about.
It is also true, however, that they did not achieve their
immense accomplishments on their own. Their accomplishments were built on
the backs of giants throughout history who developed the science that made
their successes possible and depended crucially on the university system that
has evolved over the centuries that made that science possible. Their
successes would have been impossible without the tremendous technological
breakthroughs in the aerospace program and as a result of government sponsored
computer research during World War II, and there is a certain amount
noncompetitive monopoly power that has contributed to the size of their
fortunes. At the same time, it is impossible to deny that luck played a major role in
determining the size of their fortunes as well—that had they been born in a different era or into families living
in desperate straits in Sub-Saharan Africa or some other desperate place in
the world rather than in this era and into moderately well to do families in
the United States they would have been far less successful in life.
As a result of all of these social factors, and many more, they owe an immense debt of gratitude to the society that made it possible
for them to flourish in the way they have flourished. (Alperovitz)
When we look at the income received and wealth accumulated
by others in today’s world, however, we see a very different picture. When we
look at the incomes received and fortunes accumulate by the
executives of
General Motors as they drove the world’s largest automobile company into
bankruptcy; by the savings and loan
owners and managers as they financed the
commercial real estate bubbles in the 1980s; by
the corporate raiders who
drove American businesses deeper and deeper into debt and countless firms into
bankruptcy; by
those who hyped worthless internet stocks in the 1990s; by the
executives of
Drexel Burnham Lambert,
Global Crossing,
Mae, and countless other individuals that used insider information, stock
manipulation, or phony accounting practices to generate paper profits to
justify increases in their multimillion dollar salaries and bonuses as they
ran the businesses they headed into the ground; by
those who originated
millions of subprime and alt-A mortgages through fraud and deception in the
2000s; and by those who gave unwarranted triple-A ratings to the mortgage backed
securities, securitized
these mortgages, and created the worldwide crisis we are in the midst of today
we do not find living examples of everything the mythical world of
unregulated, free-market capitalism is supposed to be about. Instead, we find living examples of what
real-world, unregulated, free-market capitalism is actually about.
The unconscionable incomes and massive
fortunes these individuals accumulated have nothing to do with economic
efficiency or the contributions these individuals have made to the society as
a whole. Their contributions to economic efficiency and to society as a whole
were negative, and even if they returned all of the income they received and
wealth they accumulated to the society that made their success possible there
would still be a tremendous net loss.
Yet somehow, in the eyes of the free-market
ideologue, the current economic catastrophe is supposed to be the fault of the
individuals who lost their homes, their jobs, their life's savings, and their
hopes and dreams for the future while those who perpetrated the fraud that
caused this disaster and made billions of dollars in the process are not only
held blameless but are, in fact, idolized by virtue of the fact that they made
money on the deal. There is a terrible perversion in an ideological view
of the world that blames the victims for allowing themselves to be preyed upon
and extols the virtues of the predators who made fortunes in the process of
creating a disaster for the rest of society.
The ideological explanation for the
fall in real income for 90% of the families over the past forty years
in terms of their refusal to work harder or because they haven’t increased
their productivity or contributed more to the society as a whole makes no
sense at all. Hours of overtime worked in the manufacturing sector increased
67.9% from 1980 through 1995 while
output per hour worked increased by at least
30% (and probably more than
50%), and total manufacturing output
increased by
42.8%. At the same time, the average
hourly earnings in the manufacturing sector decreased by
7.2% in real
terms after adjusting for the increase in consumer prices. In other words,
even though hourly workers in the manufacturing industries worked harder, were
more productive, and the total output they produced to the benefit of the
society as a whole increased, they were rewarded by a decrease in their real
The incomes people receive and the wealth people are able
to accumulate as they participate in a market economy depend as much on
economic and political power as on hard work, productivity, and economic efficiency, and who
has that power depends crucially on government policy. (Dillow) When government policy
opposes public financing
of political campaigns and allows the money provided by political PACs,
corporations, and wealthy individuals to dominate the political process,
favors unregulated markets,
allows the concentration of monopoly power into
the hands of larger and larger corporations,
allows the profits of international banks and
corporations to determine international trade and financial policy,
not only opposes collective bargaining on the
part of labor unions, but employs government power to suppress strikes and
refuses to enact and enforce laws against unfair labor practices,
provides massive
subsidies to industry through the provision of public infrastructure,
national defense, enforcement of civil law and order, and public education
for the labor force as well as for the population at large, while at the same
imposes a tax structure on the
populace that does not recoup the costs of these subsidies from those who
benefit from them the most, but, rather, places this burden on the backs of
those who benefit from them the least
economic and political power gravitates into the hands of the economically and politically
powerful few, and as their incomes and wealth soar to astronomical heights,
fraud and predation flourishes, the public
infrastructure and
social capital
that made their
success possible declines
to the detriment of future generations, and the vast majority of the population founder in
the wake of the economic catastrophes that result.
On the
other hand, when government policy
provides public financing for political
campaigns and offsets the money provided by political PACs, corporations,
and wealthy individuals by providing equal time and equal funds to political
favors regulating market behavior to promote the
general Welfare,
prevents the concentration of monopoly power
into the hands of larger and larger corporations whenever desirable and
regulates the monopoly power that cannot be eliminated whenever necessary,
maintains a balance in trade that benefits the
American people rather than maximizes the profits of international financial
institutions and corporations,
not only encourages collective bargaining on the
part of labor unions, but employs the power of government to enact and
enforce laws against unfair labor practices,
provides massive subsidies to industry through
the provision of public infrastructure, national defense, enforcement of
civil law and order, and public education for the labor force as well as for
the population at large while at the same time,
imposes a tax structure on the
populace to recoup the costs of these massive subsidies from those who
benefit from them the most and does not place this burden on the backs of
those who benefit from them the least
economic and political power
gravitates from the privileged few into the hands of the vast majority of the
population, and, while the incomes and wealth of the few still grow to
astronomical heights, the income and wealth of those few do not soar to such
dizzying heights that the vast majority of the population is left behind;
income and wealth does not flow from the kinds of massive fraud and predation
that lead to economic catastrophes, and
the public
infrastructure and
social capital that made their success possible is able to grow to
the benefit of future generations. (Amy
In the utopian world
of free-market ideology it's all so simple: Deregulate the financial system;
get rid of the EPA,
Social Security,
cut government expenditures; lower taxes, and all of our problems will go
away. But in the real world it’s not that simple.
You do not have to be an economist to look around the world and see that
unregulated, free-market capitalism is not the sine qua non of economic prosperity
and social wellbeing. All of the most prosperous countries of the world,
especially in North America and Western Europe, contain significant and
essential elements of what right-wing ideologues call socialism. At the same time, the vast majority of
people who live in non-socialist countries live in abject poverty. The
fundamental difference between the prosperous and free, and the impoverished
and enslaved throughout the world is the quality of their governments.
you step back and look at the world as it actually is you find that all of the
most productive economies in the world—in particular, those of Western Europe
and North America—are what free-market ideologues call socialist countries; they
all have a major portion of their economies dominated by government. Not
only do they all have government provided public infrastructure (things like
roads and highways, ports and airports, public health and sanitation, legal and
criminal justice systems, and public education), they all have government
provided social-insurance programs such as Social Security, government provided
healthcare, unemployment compensation, and welfare assistance for the less
The fact that all of
these economic powerhouses have a substantial portion of the economies dominated
by government is no accident. A capitalist system cannot prosper without
government provided public infrastructure and social insurance.
Without public
infrastructure it is simply impossible for the system to prosper.
Where would American industry be without its public transportation, educational,
health, and legal systems? We would be living in the kind of tribal
society they have in Afghanistan or Somalia, and our economic system would be
equally dysfunctional.
Nor can a capitalist
system prosper in the absence of a social insurance system. In the utopian
world of free-market ideology there is no need for social insurance because
market discipline forces everyone to be productive and everyone is rewarded in
proportion to their productivity. If someone isn’t productive it’s their
own fault. They deserve what they get, which is, of course, nothing.
As a result, everyone is forced to be productive and we all live happily ever
While this is the way
it works in the make-believe, utopian world of free-market ideology, this is not
the way it works in the real world. In the real world the ability for
people to prosper depends not only on their own efforts but on the way in which
the entire economic system functions. When that system functions
smoothly and efficiently opportunities to be productive abound, and everyone,
save the most foolish and lazy, are able to prosper, but when the system falters
opportunities evaporate and large segments of the population are left destitute.
When this happens, those who are still able to prosper can look down their noses
at those who are left destitute and say “It’s your fault! I can prosper, why
can’t you?”, but this misses the point.
those who are able to prosper may think it is the fault of the losers for their
lot, those who are left destitute don’t think that way, and whether it is their
fault or not is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Those who are
left destitute suffer unbearable hardship in this situation, and in the real
world people do not suffer unbearable hardship quietly unless they are forced to
do so. Unbearable hardship leads to civil unrest—which is a polite way of
saying riots in the streets and mob violence of the sort we are witnessing in
the Middle East today—and if left unchecked, the resulting civil unrest
threatens the very foundation on which the social and economic systems of
society rest.
Those who are able to
prosper when the economy falters have but two choices in the face of this
violence: They can either provide
public assistance or suppress the civil unrest. Suppressing civil unrest,
if successful, has the effect keeping those who are able to prosper in power
while forcing those who are left destitute out of the productive sectors of the
economic system. This has the effect of limiting the economic
possibilities of the system as a whole as the economy stagnates, which has been the fate of
innumerable countries around the world where repressive governments have forced
large segments of their populations out of the productive sectors of their
economies in order to maintain the power of the economically and politically powerful few.
The result is large segments of their populations in which people live at a
subsistence level, barely able to feed themselves.
On the other hand, if
the attempt to suppress civil unrest is unsuccessful, the result is inevitably a
complete destruction of the existing social and economic orders as exemplified
by the histories of countries such as France, Russia, China, Cuba, and
Those countries with
repressive governments are to be compared to those in North America and Western
Europe where, instead of suppressing civil unrest, governments have
provided public assistance through the development of social-insurance programs
such as Social Security, unemployment compensation, welfare, and government
organized healthcare. These countries have not only been able to quell the
civil unrest that results when the economic system fails to provide for a
substantial portion of its population, they have been able to incorporate the
vast majority of their populations into the productive sectors of their
economies as employers, employees, and customers. In so doing, these
countries have been able to create and sustain the domestic mass markets needed
to justify mass-production technologies, and, as a result, they have become the economic powerhouses of the world.
The point is, there are
certain things that are essential for economic prosperity, some of which (market
regulation, public infrastructure, and social insurance) only government can provide and
others (the profit motive and markets) only private enterprise can provide.
It takes both government and private enterprise to make the economic system
prosper, and for the economic system to prosper there must be a balance between
the two. All you have to do to see how this
works in the real world is compare the economic prosperity of those countries in
the world that have provided this balance in the past—the countries in North
America and Western Europe—with those that have not.
Not only are the simplistic ideas of free-market
ideologues simply wrong when it comes to denying the need
for government regulation within the economy, their simplistic caricature of
government as being little more than a tyrannical force that must be resisted
at all cost ignores the vital and essential role government plays in
guaranteeing the freedom and liberty of individuals in our society.
This caricature fails to acknowledge
that there
can be no individual freedom or liberty for the vast majority of the
population within society in the absence of
an effective government dedicated to guaranteeing these rights. For
those who doubt this proposition, I invite you to spend your next vacation in
Juarez, Baghdad, Kandahar, Mogadishu, Damascus, or any of the innumerable other places
on this lonely planet where the government is either unable or unwilling to
protect the rights of all individuals from the predations of others. In so
doing you will be able to gain firsthand experience with what individual
freedom and liberty are like in a world with a nonfunctioning government or a
government that only protects the rights of the privileged and powerful few
and ignores the rights of the rest of the population.
If the government does not protect your rights against those who would
otherwise have the power to limit your freedom and liberty within society who
will? (Amy
Free-market ideologues are
simply wrong in their simplistic belief that government interference with free
markets must necessarily lead to economic inefficiency and a lack of
individual freedom and that the only way to achieve economic efficiency
individual freedom is through unfettered free markets. The clear and
unambiguous lesson of history is that the lack of government interference in
markets leads to appalling levels of waste, fraud, and inefficiency combined
with an appalling level of human degradation for those who lack the personal,
political, or economic power necessary to defend themselves from those who
seek to prey on the vulnerable.
No matter how mathematically eloquent, logically
irrefutable, and emotionally appealing the simplistic beliefs of free-market
ideologues may be as they pertain to the magical powers of free-market
capitalism to create individual freedom and economic efficiency in a world free of government intervention, the simple fact is that
these beliefs are completely out of touch with the real world. They
only apply to
the mythical world
free-market ideologues have created in their own minds, and all of
economic history belies the relevance of these simplistic beliefs to the real
world in which we actually live. (Smith
The fact is, there is no such thing, and there never can be
such a thing, as a free market that is independent of government. It takes the
heavy hand of government to make markets work, and for whom they work—the
society as a whole or the economically and politically powerful few—depends
crucially on government policy. When markets fail there is a chance that
government can do something about it. When governments fail all is lost. The
single most damning failure of the free-market ideologues who have driven the
Conservative Movement for the past forty years is their failure to grasp this
obvious and simple fact along with the equally obvious and simple fact that
the benefits of good government are not free, but must be
paid for with taxes.
An efficient, well functioning government that
promotes the general Welfare and protects the rights of all people is an
essential prerequisite for civil order in society. (Amy)
When the government fails to promote the general Welfare or to protect the
rights of all people and, instead, allows fraud and predation to run amuck,
the growing inequities that accumulate as the rich get richer and the poor get
desperate inevitably leads to violence—individual and mob violence on the part
of those who are desperate or whose rights are abused for lack of state
intervention, and state violence on the part of the government to suppress
those who strike out in desperation or rise up to protest their grievances.
This is the story told by the
Anti-Renter Movement of 1839-1846, the
Molly Maguires of the 1870s, the
Great Rail Strike in 1877, the
Haymarket Riot in 1886, the
Coeur d'Alene Strike in 1892, the
Homestead Strike in 1892, the
Western Federation of Miners founded
in 1893, the
Pullman Strike in 1894, the
Leadville Strike in 1896, the
Lattimer Massacre
in 1897, the
United Mine Workers of America founded
in 1900, the
Cripple Creek Strike in 1904, the
International Workers of the World
founded in 1905, the
Pressed Steel Car strike in 1909, the
Lawrence Massachusetts Strike in 1912,
Italian Hall Disaster in 1913, the
Ludlow Massacre in 1914, the
Everett Massacre
Preparedness Day bombing
in 1916, the
Palmer Raids in
1918 through 1921, the
Great Steel Strike
in 1919,
Wall Street Bombings
in 1919 and 1920, the
Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921, the
Ford Hunger March Massacre in 1932,
Pixley Cotton Strike in 1933, the
General Textile,
Minneapolis Teamsters,
San Francisco longshoremen strikes in 1934, the
Little Steel, Massillon, Youngstown,
Memorial Day Massacres in 1937.
This is all part of our history, and with the
triumph of free-market ideology over rational thought these past forty years
we are well on our way to repeating it. (Boyer
Jones Amy